Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A very tanky Teemo... Which doesn't give much damage :C

Some days ago I built Tankmo. My AP was over 300, and my health was over 4000. However so, it wasn't "Painful"... Sad.

So erm, can you guys out there suggest a good built for a Tankmo in the comments below?

But still, the kind souls out there, this furry dude is real good if he's in your team...( well most of the time)

Hut 2, 3, 4... 5

Sunday, November 10, 2013

A fan-fiction for you guys

Hey people, I wrote a fanfiction of Lux and Ezreal. It's sort of a romance story.
So if your wanna, read it!

If you want me to writ stories/ fan-fictions of you favourite champions, do comment in the space below.

Till then, Let's LoL!



Tuesday, November 5, 2013


If you have any stuff you wanted us to try out like extreme troll ap aatrox or sumthing, but not extremely troll like ap vayne, give us your ideas and we will try to play it and review it

P.S. I have tried ADC zyra and posting up my review soon

Monday, September 30, 2013

semi-hiatus ---

We're sorry for not being able to post much as of late, because we are all busy with our examinations. Howeverrr, we will be back very soon, so we will be placing this blog on a semi-hiatus! We will be back next week, or the week after next, so please - stay tuned!

~Caitlyn Enoshima

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

[Request] Vi - for Rei.

Now, we'll shine our spotlight on Vi, one of Piltover's Finest (alongside Caitlyn). I think she has one of the best hairs in-game. Pink hairs are just so outstanding. 

Look at those huge gauntlets, ain't nobody want to get squashed by those. Unless you are a determined fangirl, or fanboy. Don't think anyone would like to try that though. Seems like she's drinking something, must be because she's taking a break from kicking butts. 

And finally, a close-up shot of Vi with a nice effect. Suitable for a profile picture, if you ever wish to be Vi for a day. 

Before we end this, I'm just going to leave a picture of one of my favourite couples in LoL. Don't judge. 

As usual, all images used does not belong to us, credits go to the artists. 


[Request] Janna- for Rei

This is Janna. She looks a bit intimidating... But still, she is beautiful isn't she?

Pairing: Lux x Janna
Its blue and blue

This is a bit er herm... dirty, but still, this shipping is cool, Janna can be a support for Riven

HANDS OFF ASHE! In this picture, Ashe has practically gone mad, I don't know why though, she must have hit herself with her enchanted crystal arrow... Aww nooo

All rights reserved. To those owners, good jod on the pictures :D



Hi, the scout is back :D I would be finishing up the requests, so stay tuned
